Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Best Actress 2013


So the nominees are:

  • Amy Adams in American Hustle 
  • Cate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine
  • Sandra Bullock in Gravity
  • Judi Dench in Philomena
  • Meryl Streep in August: Osage County
Since everybody's concentrating on this years' race, instead of posting my review of Angela Bassett, I decided to focus on this year's set of nominees. Will I be charmed by Cate or Meryl's pill-popping ladies or Amy and Sandra's survival stories or perhaps the softie side of mine will go for Judi Dench? 

What do you think beside the fact that I cannot commit to any year? I will finish all of them. :P Who do you think will win? What do you think my ranking will look like? :)


Anonymous said...

I think your ranking is going to be:
1) Cate Blanchett
2) Sandra Bullock
3) Judi Dench
4) Meryl Streep
5) Amy Adams

Well personally, I'd much preferred to hear your thoughts on Holly Hunter and Marie Laveau :p but I'm equally anticipating your thoughts this year, especially on Amy Adams.

I thought the best performance of the year was by Adele Exarchopoulos, followed closely by Cate. My favorite, however, is Sandra's, if that makes sense.

moviefilm said...

1) Cate Blanchett
2) Judi Dench
3) Sandra Bullock
4) Meryl Streep
5) Amy Adams

Carlos said...

My predictions!

1. Bullock (fantastic)
2. Blanchett
3. Streep (unbelievable!)
4. Dench
5. Adams (fierce and lovely!)

Srinivas said...

1. Blanchett
2. Bullock (Might switch with Blanchett)
3. Dench
4. Adams
5. Streep

In the end, Emma Thompson was robbed. It's sort of weird that every year since 2011 we have had one actress who was robbed despite all the required nominations - Swinton, Cotillard, now Thompson.

Louis Morgan said...



Fritz said...

Mmh, difficult...

1. Cate
2. Meryl
3. Sandra
4. Judi
5. Amy

joe burns said...

We're doing the same year!

My predictions:

1. Bullock

2. Cate

3. Streep

4. Dench

5. Adams

mrripley said...

Can we begin by saying Meryl was grossly miscast,in order my nominees

louis dreyfus

Derek Bowman said...

I expect four of these ladies to get 4.5+, and one of them to get 3-. You seem to always go all in for the current years nominees more than I do :)

1. Cate Blanchett
2. Meryl Streep
3. Sandra Bullock
4. Judi Dench
5. Amy Adams

dinasztie said...

No Derek, Amy won't get a 3- from me. :P I can safely say that without ruining any of the fun around predicting. :P

Anonymous said...


Waltsu said...

Oh Cate Blanchett no question! That performance is the best I've seen in a while.

Dario said...

Unpopular opinion but I think this year's Best Actress race is pretty exciting. Okay so Cate Blanchett might win (no, scratch that, she WILL), but the others gave very nice performances too IMO, unlike last year where it has good-but-not-great ones like Wallis, Chastain and Watts.

My personal order:
1. Cate Blanchett - no competition
2. Judi Dench
3. Meryl Streep
4. Amy Adams
5. Sandra Bullock - ultra unpopular, I just found her work overhyped. Still very good, but the least impressive for me.

What I think yours will look like:
1. Cate Blanchett
2. Judi Dench
3. Sandra Bullock
4. Meryl Streep
5. Amy Adams

dinasztie said...

Dario, I agree, it's a very interesting race. :)

Michael Patison said...
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Michael Patison said...

I promise I haven't looked at Meryl's review and rating yet:
1. Cate Blanchett
2. Sandra Bullock
3. Meryl Streep
4. Amy Adams
5. Judi Dench

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